by Nga Ho-Dac
May people think that reasoning is good and feeling is bad. Some people even went as far as calling people who make decisions based on feeling “idiot”. Actually, that notion is completely wrong. First, our cognitive capacity is very limited while our feeling is a lot more holistic. You can easily scholar google “cognitive vs. feeling in decision making” to learn more about that. Second, without feeling, people simply cannot make decision. We know that from the studies on some people who have damage in the part of the brain where emotions are generated. They seemed normal, except that they were not able to feel emotions. But they all had something peculiar in common: they couldn’t make decisions. Here is an article about those studies. For those who want to have more in-depth reading, you can scholar google Antonio Damasio.
We, human beings, reply on both reasoning and feeling to navigate our life. These two processes work together very closely and inseparably. If you want to have a vision of how we might live with superior reasoning and without feeling, you can watch the tv series Fringe. I hope that this post will put an end to the notion that reasoning is better than feeling in decision making.
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